
Simply put, nothing is more important than ensuring the safety, well-being and health of our employees.

Michigan Paving team has worked 8001 days without a lost time accident

Employee Safety & Health Awareness Programs

At Michigan Paving, we provide state-of-the-art training and tools that gives our team members everything they need to be safe and successful on the job.

Safety doesn’t happen by accident. Safety is a priority -- for everyone. Our award-winning safety record demonstrates a long-standing commitment to producing high-quality work in a safe, productive manner. Michigan Paving’s employee-driven programs are a model in our industry. They have resulted in an atmosphere where safety is a way of life.

MPM employee driven safety culture

Employee-Driven Safety Culture

Our employee-driven safety culture has developed over the years as a way for our people to take care of each other. Our systems of Behavior- Based Safety, Risk Assessment, Near Miss Identification and our 14 Steps to Fatality Elimination focus on our employees returning home to their families healthy each day. We firmly believe that a safe work environment pays dividends to our customers, our shareholders and especially, our employees.  It is a non-negotiable way we do business.

At Michigan Paving, safety and health aren’t simply words on paper or activities driven by regulations. The safety, health and well-being of our employees, customers and anyone that comes in contact with our work is our number one priority. Safety and health are a cornerstone of our overall business strategy throughout our companies.

Core Values

Our mission on health and safety is demonstrated through our safety core values:

  • Zero Fatalities – Fatalities are unacceptable. Our solemn commitment to our employees is to prevent any and all fatalities.
  • Zero Incidents – We expect our employees to work every day without an incident. This includes a focus on common high frequency and minor accidents.
  • Employee-Driven Safety Culture – To achieve a sustainable zero-incident workplace, our employees must own the safety program. In reality, they must hold each other accountable for safety 100% of the time with unwavering leadership support.

To learn more about safety at Michigan Paving & Materials, contact our Safety Team

Regional Risk Management & Safety Director: Patrick Anglin

517-936-9011 /

Mine Safety Specialist: Bill Young

734-770-9666 /

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